
Funky, savory, and deeply satisfying washed rind cheeses, and a cheddar soaked in barley wine; paired with a sweet & savory jam and spicy Soppressata.

  • Bamboozle - smooth and creamy, bright and lemony

  • Grayson - Alpine/Gouda inspired Gouda style made in the summer months when the cows are on pasture to capture the golden color of the grass

  • Shire - deeply savory classic farmhouse cheddar with a complex finish

  • Grateful Ched - American Havarti, smooth and mild with a bit of tang

  • Balsamic Carmelized Onions from Eat This Yum

  • Soppressata cured sausage from MeatCrafters

Contains approximately 2 LB of cheese, 6 oz of sausage and 1 jar of jam; serves 8-12 people

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